Marketing is a great way of making your product popular, especially in today’s time when people are greatly influenced by social media. Informative advertisements are an excellent way of spreading the message to many target audience and good advertisements are easily capable of modifying people’s choices and behavior to some extent including the kids. These days children spend a lot of time watching Television and thus are hugely exposed to the content showcased on it. They see a lot of commercials each day on the Tv and forms of social media such as Facebook, YouTube etc. Being at a tender age, they easily get influenced by these advertisements and develop the tendency of modifying their choices and lifestyle accordingly. Children these days are more brand conscious because of their constant interaction with the advertisements shown on TV. Let us try to understand some positive and the negative impact advertisements have on their lifestyle.
Positive Impacts:
Some advertisements are a great source of information for children and them directly or indirectly learn a lot from these. Advertisements related to public announcements make them more aware of what is happening around them whereas promotional advertisements make them notice the new products and technological innovations being launched in the market. For example, certain TV commercials that promote the use of probiotics and probiotic drinks (probiotics are good bacteria for the digestive system) are good to watch and help them learn more.
A good advertisement always tries to connect with the target audience. Certain advertisements can really be a good source to inculcate good habits in children as children try to imitate what they see. For example; an advertisement promoting healthy food items can also prompt the child to adopt good food habits. Similarly, advertisements teaching the importance of hand-wash before eating meals can inculcate hygiene values in child. Good ad film production houses in Delhi go to new lengths to make the products stand out in the lot but at the same time they are also sensitive about what they showcase in such TV commercials. They feel responsible about the content shown in ad commercials as they know that these advertisements will reach out to younger audience as well.
Some advertisements really serve as a great tool to teach moral values to children. They learn about “good” and “bad” from advertisements. Some cautionary advertisements teach them that what kind of behavior is not accepted in the society.
We all know that children are very vulnerable and try to imitate others. The advertisements that portray children helping their parents in different chores or doing a specific act that is being applauded by others also motivate children to do the same. They get influenced by these advertisements and at least put their efforts in doing such acts.
Negative Impacts:
This is one of the major negative impact advertisements that overweight the positive ones. Since children are too young and lack the ethical reasoning ability, so they are sometimes unable to understand the message that the advertisement is trying to give. They sometime misinterpret the message and are influenced in a negative way rather than the positive one.
Every manufacturer creates an advertisement with the sole purpose of increasing their sales. Children are sometimes attracted by the flashy advertisements and develop an impulsive buying habit. They become stubborn and want their parents to buy them that specific product even if they don’t need it. This puts an extra burden on the parent’s pocket and ruin the child’s buying habits.
A Small Note for Parents
Reading the section above you must have been aware that how advertisements contribute in modifying your child’s behavior, but it is very important for you to keep monitoring the content your child is exposed to. Help your child in developing critical judgment about the reliability of content shown in the advertisement. Reiterate the positive message that the advertisement is trying to give. This way, we are sure your child can surely get benefited with the advertisements being shown and only in a positive manner.
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